Monday, September 15, 2008

MTC Pictures

One of these is Scott's bed at the MTC. Is it the made one on the bottom, or the unmade one on the top? He wrote and told us the first night he was at the MTC he didn't have a blanket. He was cold and had a difficult time sleeping:)

Elder Turner and Elder Nelson at the Provo temple. Elder Turner is from our home ward. He has left the MTC and is serving in Missouri.

Scott's awesome MTC companion, Elder Weigle.


Carol Swift said...

I wrote on Cynthia's blog that I was tired of lurking her blog through Natalie's or Lindsay's so I was adding her to my favorite blog list. I'm also tired of lurking your blog through them or Debbie D.'s so I'm adding you to my favorite blogs, too. Hope you don't mind, but I love seeing your updates. Scott is such a cutie and looks like a natural at being a missionary.

Anonymous said...

I am SO GLAD to see that Brad and Scott have reunited as friends. =D I still can't believe that they have started their mission... Well have fun you guys!

The Kahumokus said...

I vote that Scott's bed is the unmade one. Am I right?

The Kahumokus said...

Maybe not...I recognize the backpack.