Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Real Deal!

Tonight we were all invited over to my parents house for dinner and to have Scott be set apart as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was so wonderful to be there as a family with all of our brothers and sisters. Grandma came too! The spirit was very strong and the blessing was powerful. Scott will be a great missionary, but as my mom reminded all of us he will need our prayers, letters, and love. (His address is on the side!) So lets do our part to support our cute missionary!

The Final Days...

Before we could celebrate Scott's mission there was some packing that needed to be done. Not a whole lot,as you can see by the amount of bags for two years. Brooklyn even stayed up past bed time to help.

Once the packing was done it was time to party.

(Preston, Kylie, Kimi, Scott, Brittany, Minh, Jason)

Lots of friends came over and family too. We had a chocolate fountain, fireworks, and a concert all in one night.

We enjoyed the singing quite a bit. We are going to miss Scott's great voice, but it will be enjoyed in Minnesota.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mission Prep

Grandma Truman and Scott spent the day shopping. As a graduation gift, she bought him a new suit and tie to wear on his mission. The hardest (and longest) part of the day, according to Grandma, was picking out the perfect tie. Afterwards they ate at Applebees for lunch. Thanks Grandma!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Dad, Jason, Me, Grandma Truman, Natalie, Cynthia, & Mom
Today was an exciting day! Scott is an official Silverado High School graduate. He won't miss the lectures, homework or tests, but he will miss his friends, choir and seminary. Having no school will free up his time for work and mission prep. He has set a goal to read the entire Book of Mormon before entering the Missionary Training Center. Does anyone else want to take the reading challenge with him?

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Receiving the Call

Scott's mission call has FINALLY arrived! He opened it tonight at the high school, after the choir concert. LOTS, and I mean lots, of family and friends were there. Everyone had all guessed where they thought Scott would be serving the Lord for the next two years. Denise Allen was the closest. She guessed Michigan. Scott will be serving in the Minnesota, Minneapolis mission. He was so excited! He will leave on August 27, 2008.