Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Real Deal!

Tonight we were all invited over to my parents house for dinner and to have Scott be set apart as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It was so wonderful to be there as a family with all of our brothers and sisters. Grandma came too! The spirit was very strong and the blessing was powerful. Scott will be a great missionary, but as my mom reminded all of us he will need our prayers, letters, and love. (His address is on the side!) So lets do our part to support our cute missionary!

1 comment:

Sister Howell said...

Your son is amazing! He works hard, as a humble, sweet spirit is motivated to serve the Lord. As you know he is working in Dinkytown with Elder Hansen! We were just there last week and contacted in his area at zone conference! We were able to give them over 30 new contacts! THANK YOU for being such a great family and raising such an amazing missionary for our Lord and Savior --- MMMM Minneapolis Minnesota Mission Mom Sr. Howell