Tuesday, July 27, 2010

He's Legal

Today is Elder Nelson's 21st birthday! Thanks Sister Morris for this picture of him and his companion, Elder Hill!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Surprise! It's transfer day and Elder Nelson is on his way to Superior, WI! His new companion will be one of his "best friends," Elder Chamema. As difficult as it is to leave an area and investigators, Elder Nelson is happy and excited to move up North!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Final Day in St. Cloud

Elder Nelson, Elder Hill, and Harley contemplating their double transfer.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Three Amigos

Elder Nelson, Elder Grondel, and Elder Davis

While attending a four-day missionary training meeting in Bloomington, Elder Nelson had the opportunity to catch up with friends from Las Vegas who are also serving in the Minnesota, Minneapolis mission. They rarely have an opportunity to see each other. You can tell by the smiles on their faces, it was fun times!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tornado Cleanup

Elder Nelson: middle row, 9th from left

On June 17, 2010 a string of tornadoes ripped through Minnesota. The northwestern town of Wadena was the hardest hit with a quarter of the buildings wiped out. On June 18th and 19th, 12 missionaries, a missionary couple, the Murdochs, and 22 members from the St. Cloud Stake helped dig out the town. Scott thoroughly enjoyed this service opportunity! He said, "It was a lot of fun to be up there. We were there for two days, and we cleaned up five different houses. It was humbling to see how much damage a tornado can do. It was even more humbling to meet the people and to help them out in their time of struggle."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Congratulations Meagan!

Meagan C. was baptized by her husband on Saturday, May 22, 2010. Thanks to a phone call Meagan made to President Howell, Elder Nelson was able to return to White Bear Lake to witness her fabulous day! We can't wait to meet all of these wonderful members!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tiandra's Baptism

This beautiful daughter of God is Tiandra. She is 16 years old and soooo excited to be a member of the church. She sent us a text message right after her baptism with this picture. Congratulations Tiandra!